Friday, April 4, 2008

Cheating... is it nice to try ?

What is cheating ? Indonesian people say it : selingkuh. Cheating means you left your spouse and fall in love with another one. Do I love cheating ? Well, I'm not. I love my wife, and also my daughters. But how not to do it ? Well... let's sit and talk seriously :)

Human being is social creation. It means you and I have a natural feeling when we meet someone that make us feel comfort to be with. Let's say hang out together, talking each other, working together, even studying physics together :) When you've been with some one, the feeling occurs. It's a natural thing. You can't stop or even control it. Unless you are God :) When you feel comfort, you want to be with him/her again and again. Hope to meet him/her again. But if you feel uncomfortable, you will leave him/her immediately.

When you feel comfort with some one, and this situation continues somehow, let's say because both of you in same group, the feeling will become love. You'll pay more attention to him/her, watching his/her life, the way he/she smile, etc. Again, this is natural, and you can't even control it. The only thing you can control is commitment. Once you have commitment in your heart and keep in your mind that you will love your wife and your family, you'll still in border. It's not so easy to leave your group, or not to pay attention to him/her anymore, because that is your life and you're in it.

One night stand is not recommended. It just about sex, no love involved. Your finger will said to you. But you'll be happy if you can keep the commitment with your beloved wife and family, and giving time to let that irrational feeling become steady and your relation become friendship. And that time, you are winning the battle.


Osmand said...

nice post Bud!! :D
I think it will be useful for me ... later :D

Budhi Kristianto said...

hehehe... use it carefully Mand.
