Saturday, April 12, 2008

It's a small world !

In the 1960s, social psychologist Stanley Milgram claimed that anyone on the planet could be linked to anyone else by a chain of only six other people -- the famous "six degrees of separation."

Hmm.... it's so interesting to me. Let's say, Me and Bill Gates. According to this theory, Me and Bill just 6 hops away. Let's analyze it.

I have a best friend who works in Motorola Indonesia as a Marketing Manager(1). He(1) has a boss as Marketing Director of Asia(2). This man(2) has to report to his boss at Motorola's Head Quater in USA(3). This man(3) has a best friend who working in Microsoft as a Director(4). And this man(4) of course is in a close relation with Bill Gates(5), because he is one of Microsoft's Director. So, between me and Bill Gates just 5 hops away ! Hmm.... make sense....

So... how about you and the cute girl stands at the corner ? hehehehe....

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