Saturday, April 12, 2008

Who is who ? Who are who ?

Hahaha.... sound strange huh ? Who is who ? Who are who ?

Today I'm studying about Social Network Analysis. This topic is describes about how to mapping who is the key person in the organization, what is his/her roles, and what the affect of that person to the organization.

Some times we can see, one business organization lost its managers or even directors, but there's no influence to the company's performance. But some times we can see, one company lost its engineer, and the company suddenly bankrupt.

Wise people always say : don't ever judge a book by its cover. This term is 100% true. We usually think, that the key person or most important person in a company is the director or even the owner. We often think that ordinary staff has not much power than the manager, or another similar perceptions. Some times it's totally wrong.

A real story told, there is a party in a company. Actually, in reality, sales department is not talk each other with R&D department. But there is a photographer that has good relationship with members of R&D dept and also sales dept. So, because of that photographer, that 2 departments want to involve into the party. In this case, the photographer is the most valuable person in that company.

There's always structural power map that show the positions and roles of the member of an organization or even in a friendship. We can always see it explicitly. Manager has higher position and granted to make a decision. But there's always an underground power map that not seen in the surface, that reflects the real power map in the grass level. May be in your organization there is an ordinary cleaning service staff. But may be you don't know, that his uncle has a close relation with the owner of your company. So, you don't know, that the man actually is a powerful person in your company's underground power map.

Don't ever judge a book by its cover, is 100% reflected to this situation. We have to be wise, not to judge everything in a minutes until we clearly understand, what is the underground power map in our company or friendships. There are always hidden informations that we don't understand. Being humble and low profile person, is the key. With this behavior, all hidden informations will shown to you, you'll clearly see what you've never see before.

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