Wednesday, May 7, 2008

How to teach our daughters to understand about our financial condition

I have 2 lovely daughters, 8 years old and 1 year old. Just like another parents, I and my wife hope that we can give our daughters a better quality of life than ours. We've experienced the same feeling with other parents when see our big daughter want to be equal with her friends. For example, her friends were dropped to the school by riding a good looking car. But we don't have a car, we only have a motor cycle. Sometimes our daughter said "I want to be dropped to the school by riding a car". Oh yes, we want to have a car to give same condition as our daughter want. But, we have no that ability yet right now, so we have to handle this situation wisely.

I and my wife always take a special time to be in relax situation with our daughters, so we can talk in a relax condition. As a father, I've tried to explain about how parents manage their money and provide their family's need, including need of food, transportation, also life style. I've explained to our daughters, why several parents choose a simple and humble life style and others choose more exclusive and eye catching life styles. And the most important things is, which life style that I choose as their chief. I choose a simple and humble of life style. I teach our daughters how to see money and stuffs in a good perspective, how to manage needs and make priorities, and how to reach our need in a wise way. Children must know that it's hard to get money, but easy to spend money, so they should know how to spend money wisely.

Back to the case, when our daughter need to be dropped to the school by riding a car just like her friends, we've wisely made her to get new point of view, that riding a motor cycle has an advantage point such as fast, simple, and also better than take a walk to the school. She also has to understand about the financial status of her family, that our money is limited, and we have to spend it wisely. In other side, we're also show that as their parent, we're trying to give the best for them, including show our effort to provide a car for us to go together as family. It makes our daughters feel that their parent give enough attention to their needs, and also makes them show their response in good attitude and character.

Parenting is a non-stop teaching activities. And as parent, we should be an excellent samples for our children. Children always see what are their father and mother do as their models.

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