Thursday, April 3, 2008

Electronic engineering... the real challenge

Whew... now I know, being an electronic engineer is a hard work. Why ? Let me share what I'm doing now.

Currently I'm studying for my master degree in Taiwan under the scholarship. The major that offered is electronic engineering. Since I came from Information Technology field, I was though that these difference of two majors are not so far. I was simply think, It is electronic. But I was wrong... totally wrong. Since may background is not electronic engineering, it so hard for me to complete the projects. Especially for my thesis, it's so challenging. I toke my project in biomedical engineering field, titled as "Portable Laser Doppler Flow Meter". So it's dealing with laser and advance digitized circuits.

There are several students who have same background as me, they come from Information Technology field but take electronic engineering field for their study. They've experienced same problem just like me, even their project are in different area like networking and image processing. But still, they are dealing with advance digitized circuits such as FPGA and VLSI chips. Every things are new for us. The condition become worst since we're international students in Taiwan, so we should able to speak chinese both in daily life or in academic life.

But, I still believe, God will guide me through this and let me finish my study on time. Amen ! Now I give admire to electronic engineers, and when I buy an electronic stuff, I always remember... it's so hard to create the stuff that I've bought :)


Osmand said...

Yup...yup...I think I one of "several students who have same background" with you :D
Amen..amen...i think we can do this...with God as our leader... Ganbatte!! :D

Budhi Kristianto said...

cia yo... cia yo....

Ivanna said...

You can't spell GEEK without EE

Ivanna said...

Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.

Budhi Kristianto said...

Thx for your support Iv.

Anonymous said...

Power Engineering deals with the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity as well as the design of a range of related devices. These include transformers, electric generators, electric motors and power electronics.

In many regions of the world, governments maintain an electrical network that connects a variety electric generators together with users of their power. This network is called a power grid. Users purchase electricity from the grid avoiding the costly exercise of having to generate their own. Power engineers may work on the design and maintenance of the power grid as well as the power systems that connect to it. Such systems are called on-grid power systems and may supply the grid with additional power, draw power from the grid or do both.

Power engineers may also work on systems that do not connect to the grid. These systems are called off-grid power systems and may be used in preference to on-grid systems for a variety of reasons. For example, in remote locations it may be cheaper for a mine to generate its own power rather than pay for connection to the grid and in most mobile applications connection to the grid is simply not practical.
