Thursday, April 3, 2008

How to manage income and salary

As a Christian, God has teach me to return 10% as my gift to His works in this world. So, here the way how I manage my income and salary.

First thing that I always did when I receive the salary or money, I prayed a thanks to God for giving me blessing and money to support our life. I also ask Him to bless the money to blessing my family with all good things we will do about the money. Second, I take 10% of total received money, and take it to the Church as our gift to God. Finally, I spread the rest of money into several post like for pay card bill, electricity bill, phone bill, etc. I also arrange some part of the money for saving, just in case me or my family member get an incidental case to pay out.

With this procedure, me and my family can cover all expenses that occurs in a whole month. May be you can use my experience to manage your income and salary. Peace !


Anonymous said...

nice post

Hi, I'm Budhi Kristianto said...

Thank's Ji. How are you ? I heard that you are now working in Surabaya ?

Osmand said...'re so well managed... short but meaningful :D

Budhi Kristianto said...

Thank's Mand. Hope this will useful for you.
