Tuesday, April 8, 2008

God must be joking

Oh no !! It's like no way to go, no choice, every things seem going worst...

Well... I think as normal human, we're so often found in that kind of situations. We've prayed, cried to God, but nothing happened. Time still runs, and every things seem going worst. But do you think that God does not care ? Does He so busy ? Is there so limited ways so He could not add even one ?

I'm experiencing that kind of situation. My research is stuck. No progress. Time continues running. The deadline approaching very fast. So many things should be completed perfectly, instantly, quickly. So many prayer were asked, shouted to up above. But... no response found.

I let myself remember about God's love. He always offers His hands ON TIME. I regaled myself and said : "I believe He knows what is exactly happened. He knows what He should do. May be right now He is smiling at me and wanna say not to be afraid".

Hmm... God must be joking. Well.... I'll try to keep my smile on face, even storm attacks my mind. But God, no more joking please.... I need Your help ASAP. Please send message to 0800-123.... ups.... sorry Lord (shy... sms addicted)... Please hold me and guide me. Give me peace in my heart, and let me see every things would be all right very soon. I love You so much !

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